Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Interview Basics, Part 2

On Wednesday, you are going to interview a partner in class, in preparation for your real interview that is coming up next week.

Here are the directions:

1. pick a partner in class to interview
2. write down at least 20 interview questions that you'd like to ask.
- think about the interviews you watched yesterday and which questions are going to produce the best answers.
- you should have questions that cover the basics (like how do you spell your name... where were your born...) and questions that get people to talk (tell me about your best childhood memory... or describe what it was like when you moved from california to seattle...)
3. take turns interviewing your partner and taking notes
4. Write down any observations you have about that person. Funny things that they do, the clothes they are wearing, their mannerisms, etc.
6. Quotes are something funny, memorable, interesting. Quotes add "color" to your story. Quotes are something that you couldn't have said better yourself.
7. Title the story in less than five words. Think back to the titles in the "1 in 8 million" series you watched.
8. Write a short story, no longer than a page double-spaced, about the person you interviewed. Include as many basic details as possible, include observations, and include your three quotes.
9. Don't worry about how to start your story. The point of this exercise is to get as much information in the page as possible.
10. You will be assessed on the quality of your QUOTES.

Please leave your finished story in the comments section of this blog entry.

Thank you!

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