Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Last assignment

First, look at the March 9 entry, assignments for this unit:

Make sure you have everything finished. We will begin a new unit on Friday. I will accept late work on this unit until the end of the quarter.

If you are done, I want you to read at least 5 of the following editorials: - “Lying” - “he’s the DJ, I’m the rapper” - “Robotics editorial” - “Gun violence story” - “Supercars" by Oscar” - “Future Classic" by Khanh - “Editorial – hip hop stereotype” - "should milk be re-pasteurized?" - “Advertisers are NOT to blame” - untitled top post about reckless driving – “…we need to change and some of us are doing that…” - “the reality of suicide prevention” - “KB24 vs. LJ23” - Kobe vs. Lebron - “Payin’ too much” - "Hit in White Center" - "3D - a bit too far?"

Leave a thoughtful, respectful response to each editorial you read. Continue the "community dialogue" discussion in the comments section under the editorial.
- You may disagree.
- You may add some thoughts that came into your mind as you read/after you read.
- You may want to argue.
- You may want to add a point that the author missed.
- You may agree and give the author praise for making good points.

Monday, March 15, 2010

examples of student editorials

here's a link to some editorials written by students.

use these as examples if you need some help.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Remember the formula

Editorials = Opinion/Message + Information

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Assignments for this unit

Here are all the assignments you are responsible for this unit:

1. Set up a blog with vision statement
2. Set up links to other blogs from 2nd and 4th period
3. News story w/Soft and Hard Lead
4. Lost Wallet Interview Worksheet
5. Story about the man behind the wallet
6. Feature Story w/ Research/observations/interview
- Graded on quality of details, quality of interview, the lead
- Should have been posted on March 8 or before
7. Editorial (Information + Opinion) (we start this today)