Thursday, February 11, 2010

what is news?

What is news?

-Truth, information, without bias, current, important enough for other people to know.
-Related to specific real-life person, event, happening, statistic or fact.
-What is important for some may not be important for someone else.
-There is judgment of what is news.
-If your topic is drunk driving, drunk driving itself is not the news. The news is that someone was arrested for drunk driving, or someone killed an innocent person while drunk driving, or a law was passed about drunk driving.
-If your topic is photography, then photography itself is not the news. The news is that a famous photographer is coming to town, or that the local museum has a new photography exhibit, or that Canon – a company that makes cameras – has released a new kind of camera.

Elements of a news story:

Lead: the beginning of the story.
The Nut Graph: “In a nutshell” what is the news?
Sometimes the nut graph and the lead are the same; sometimes, they’re not.

All news stories should answer the 7 basic journalistic questions:

So What

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