Sunday, December 16, 2012

President Obama on the school shooting on Friday


Watch this video first if it's not blocked. 


Think of the beverages you like to drink. Milk, juice, soda, energy boosters.
Now think of how you can create your own imprint on those drinks.

You are an ambitious business person determined to make it big.
Your goal is to create the next big drink product.
It's going to be exciting, it's going to be creative and it's going to change the world.

First you must have a plan. You will present your plan to the rest of class.
Be imaginative. Be appropriate for school - no swearing, no alcohol, no drugs, no sex.
Be creative. As a class, we will choose five or six ideas that we want to work on further.
Then, we will study advertising and marketing techniques and
in groups of 3, shoot a 30-second commercial selling your product.

You will turn in and present the following information a few days after the break.
So get started on it now!

Please be detailed.
 - Name of product
 - About a 1/2 page concept that includes an introduction and the following information:
   - What category is it (juice, health drink, coffee, bottled water, soda, energy, etc.)
   - Detailed description of what it looks like (is it a can, a bottle, a pouch, something else, etc).
   - What separates your product from other products in the same category?
   - What is the basic reason you created this product?
Some examples:
- My drink is for aggressive people who are looking for a big-time energy boost.
- My drink is for kids and it's fruity, colorful, not-too-sweet and 100% natural.
- My drink is for people who lift, want big muscles and need a workout supplement.
 - Target audience - are you trying to reach kids, old people, men/women, athletes, etc.?
 - What is your hook or slogan? For example:
    - Sprite is "Obey your thirst"
    - Snapple is "Made from the best stuff on earth"
    - Gatorade is "Is it in you?"
    - The Beast is "Next time you feel weak, unleash the beast"
    - MuscleCana is "You drink, we lift"
 - A logo or actual can/bottle design on Photoshop.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Careers in Design

The program at Seattle Central (2 years) -

Two professional designers -

Kevin Peralta
Ryan Anderson

Design as a career -

Graphic Design - Bureau of Labor Statistics
Industrial Design - Bureau of Labor Statistics

Some amazing design sites for inspiration

Digital Kitchen
Weiden and Kennedy
Deloitte Digital
Camp Doug

Questions to answer:
- Overall, what thoughts came to your mind as you watched the movie, "Objectified"?
- Investigate the Seattle Central site. What are 3 things you learned about community college?
- Look at Peralta's and Anderson's websites. Talk about one interesting project on either site.
- Read some of the statistics on the Bureau of Labor Statistics sites. What do Designers generally make? Did it surprise you?
- Look through at least 5 of the sites I've given you for inspiration. Write about 3 projects that inspired you and explain why.

Monday, December 10, 2012


What does professionalism mean?

Please make sure:
- That your work is checked for spelling. There are way too many spelling errors.
- Clean up any and all design mistakes.
- Make your menu just like you would hand it out at the restaurant.
- If you need to print anything in color, let me know.
- If your business card is out of focus, send me the original inDesign file, and I can try to improve the resolution.
- Don't forget your floor plan if you have one.

If you feel like you need a stronger business card, click here for some ideas.
If you feel like you need a stronger magazine advertisement, click here for some ideas.
If you feel like you need a stronger menu, click here for some ideas.

Your final poster is due at the end of the period Tuesday. No exceptions!

Friday, December 7, 2012