Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy 2

Review the reading process.
Find out more about Hurricane Sandy.
Understand why we read sometimes.

Read this story:
Overall assessment of the damage

State-by-state breakdown of the damage

Friday, October 12, 2012

Pictures for "Refine Edge" tutorial

Please copy these pictures into your Photoshop folder and open all 3 into Photoshop.

Friday, October 5, 2012

CS 6 Tutorials


3D-Tron Text


Denim and Zipper Text


Glass Text Effect


Other cool Text Effects (Warning: Some of these tutorials use different versions of Photoshop than the one that we have)


Using Glows and Lighting Effects


Colorize a Black and White Photo


Color Splash Effect


Better Blur 1


Better Blur 2


Motion Blur Effect


Creating a Poster inspired by the "Bourne Legacy" movie


Create a "portal" photo


Create a scene of an invisible man inside a mystic cave


Wide-Angle Look


Changing Skin Tones


(Blocked at school, but you can get these at home)

25 fresh tutorials


How to change lip color

Furry Text


Icy Frozen Text


Monday, October 1, 2012

Note-taking - 4th period

Good afternoon!
I'm out sick today. Please read this carefully to get an idea of what you are doing today.

Part 1, REVIEW:

First, we are going to review a few of the things we've talked about in class, related to interviewing and active listening.

1. Read this document first. This is about DEVELOPING YOUR LISTENING SKILLS.
   - In your notebook, please write down two or three tips from this list that you want to remember during your interview.

2. Then read this document next.
  - In your notebook, define "ACTIVE LISTENING."
  - What does it mean?
  - Why is it important?
  - What are things you could do to be ACTIVELY LISTENING during your interview?


Active listening is important. Having good listening skills is important. 


You must develop a note-taking system. It's vital that you know how to take notes during your interview. Please read this document about 5 different note-taking systems.

Pick a system that you like the most and that seems to be a good fit for you. Tell me why you picked it.


Finally, take a page of notes about what is happening in class today and what people said. I want you to write down at least 10 observations about fellow students, or the sub, in the class today (true things/facts, they don't have to be super interesting, just true and accurate), and find at least 10 quotes that people said.

Part 5, If you finish early, browse through these excellent note-taking resources.

Typography - 1st and 5th periods

Hello students, I'm out sick today.

Please work on this lesson about TYPOGRAPHY. Please read this carefully for instructions on what you need to do today.

Good luck, and I'll see you tomorrow!


Another element of design is TYPOGRAPHY, which is the study, style and appearance of fonts and letters.

2. ACTIVITY, Part 1: 
Please look at these example webpages. I'm sorry if some of them are blocked. :(

Examples of TYPOGRAPHY:

http://inspirationfeed.com/inspiration/typography-inspiration/40-remarkable-examples-of-typography-design-8/ (You can also click on the other examples of remarkable typography design)


*BTW, if none of these work, please just enter "typography inspiration" on Google, and look through any of those links. 

3. ACTIVITY, Part 2: 
Answer these questions on a separate piece of paper and stick in your DESIGN folder (the one with the magazine cutouts):

   1. What is typography?

   2. What is one example of typography that you really like? What is the name? What do you like about it? Please describe using vocabulary from last week's ELEMENTS OF DESIGN discussion (color, shape, line, texture).

   3. Attach that example of typography on this paper (Find it online or in a magazine, and staple it or tape it to your paper; you can also print if you need but remember please be careful you print out only what you need. Also, there's a sub, so you may need to help work the machine and find paper).

   4. Find online or in a magazine, cut out, and attach an example of typography that is "modern" or "new." Explain why you think it's modern or new.

   5. Find and attach an example of typography that is "old-fashioned" or "traditional." Explain why you think it's old-fashioned or traditional.

   6. Find and attach an example of typography that is "fresh." Explain why you think it's fresh.

   7. Find and attach an example of typography that you'd see in the future. Explain why you think it's futuristic.
   8. Finally, hand draw your name in a font of your own creation.